Where To Find Used Parts

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where can i find used auto parts

Where To Find Used Parts

Now, more than ever, people are rebuilding vehicles from the ground up and used auto parts are a must in when they cannot be bought new. Just about anytime you buy a part from your local parts store, its going to be refurbished, rebuilt or re-manufactured. When buying used auto parts anywhere other than your local parts store, always see the part before making your purchase. Ask for pictures if they are unable to show it first hand. Specialty stores usually carry a wide range of used auto parts that couldn't be used, too.



1/22/2015 7:08:51 PM
Davey Hiltz said:

I remember when I build a car from the ground up with my dad before. It was fun to go and get all those auto parts with him. He was good at spotting what was good and what wasn't far better than I could. I wish I would have paid more attention. It would be nice to know what is good and what isn't.


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