Aftermarket Exhaust Systems: Things to Remember

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what precautions should i take when installing an aftermarket exhaust system

Aftermarket Exhaust Systems: Things to Remember

When switching to an aftermarker exhaust system, there may be other changes that need to be made, as well. Not only are you using an exhaust system that is possibly larger or may give your engine better back pressure, but it's also different than what the car manufacturer installed.

Many times, aftermarket exhaust systems and kits exceed the manufacturers suggested OEM (original equipment manufacturer) exhaust. One of the main concerns when switching to an aftermarket exhaust system is the oxygen sensor. Sometimes these sensors need to be replaced for top performance of the exhaust system. Also, consider the location of exhaust when installed. Changing the location of the exhaust pipes and muffler may interfere with other working components of the undercarriage or may deplete the exhaust's ability to perform as needed. Using accessories, such as aftermarket exhaust or silencers, can also effect the exhaust's performance.



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