What's your Favorite Flavor?

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How can I make my car as loud as possible?

What's your Favorite Flavor?

Your 8, maybe 9 years old and it's your first car show. As you stand watching the hot rods and customs file out, there's always one that gets your full attention. A nice staccato BRAP BRAP BRAP flutters your chest when it coasts by. The car pulls out, and lays rubber; you look up at your dad, and can read his lips: "CHERRY BOMBS!". Although you can't toss a pair cherry bombs on your '04 minivan, hope is not lost. Some states exempt antique vehiucles from emission standards, allowing you to run everything but open pipes on the road.

If you are looking for this kind of sound, a dual exhaust like a flowmaster exhaust system may be just the right fit. Not only does a dual exhaust look sweet and vastly improve your engine power, but you get that head turning sound you have always wanted! If you decide to go with a custom system like this, make sure you find a shop that specifies in exhaust systems and don't be afraid to grab the car parts online and bring them to your mechanic.



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